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HomeDIY Hive Sensors

I wanted to create a temperature and humidity sensor for the beehives in my apiary. I didn't want to buy what was on the market as I wanted full control of the sensors and how it communicated. The design I camp up with after searching the web for days and also seeing Andrzej Mizerkiewicz at AWS Re:Invent in 2022. He produced his own version of this, only instead of using WiFi, he used LoRan (which this project could be converted to). I have WiFi about 50 feet from my apiary so I decided to utilize that.



I wanted to know what was going on in my hives in winter time. Not that there would be much I can do to help my bees should they struggle, but to know when they began to decline (if) and associate it with the local weather. In the Winter of 2022 I lost all 9 of my colonies somewhere between January and February. I assumed the warm snap in January cause the cluster to break and they froze to death. Hopefully this will help me understand more what is happening in my hives.



For complete step by step instructions on how to create your own sensors please visit:

Tim Miller
LVBA Vice-President


Finished hive sensor project